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Click here for VIDEO of a 3-day parish mission Roy did (excellent summary of his entire schtick)

Click here to find out about ordering Roy's books in English or Spanish or Spanish e-book.
Click here for information on UPCOMING APPEARANCES or here to schedule one.
There is now extensive new  VIDEO including some talks in Spanish.
VIDEO of Roy's recent TV Interview on the Messianic Jewish TV Program "Jewish Voice" with Rabbi Jonathan Bernis
VIDEO of Archbishop Burke's Interview on Jewish Catholics is now up on this site. Click here!
Click here for a pdf file of the Memoirs of 19th Century Jewish convert Theodore Ratisbonne
Clickhere for an analysis of SSPX Bishop Williamson's Holocaust Denial
Click here to find out how to be informed by email of special events.
Click here for PRAYERS that the Jews may come to the fullness of Judaism in the Catholic Church
There is now a wide selection of audio recordings of Jewish Catholics' "Witness Testimonies".
Click here to see Roy's audio and video talks available on CD's and DVD's
(for full list or instructions on best way to listen, go to Audio page)

-- Jan. 10 '05  "Journey Home" show on EWTN

Conference in D.C. "Jews in the Church"

-- Sept 12 and Sept 19 '04 episodes of EWTN's "Bookmark" program

-- Interview on "Catholic Answers Live"

-- TV appearance on "EWTN Live" with Father Mitch Pacwa



Go to blog.salvationisfromthejews.com for my podcasts

WEEKLY RADIO SHOW: Roy hosts a weekly hour-long live call-in radio show on Radio Maria. It can be heard live on Saturdays at 3pm EST at
radiomaria.us or with the Radio Maria smartphone app.  Go to my radiomaria page for more info and show archives.

YOUTUBE CHANNEL and Daily Prayer/Talk Live Streams: Roy is live streaming almost every day:  Rosary, other prayers, and usually a short talk. Normally they start between 2 and 4pm Eastern, although it is subject to change.  You will be notified of the start time if you subscribe to the YouTube channel, his facebook page, or his telegram channel.
Youtube Channel: youtube.com/c/JewishCatholic
Facebook Page: facebook.com/salvationisfromthejews
Telegram Channel: t.me/royslivestream

Welcome to the website "Salvation is from the Jews", which is about, and celebrates, the relationship between Judaism and the Catholic Church and the conversion of the Jews.

Here you can find out about me (Roy Schoeman), about my books, about other Jews who have entered the Catholic Church, and a variety of other things about the relationship between Judaism and the Catholic Church. 

My books are (click on the book's title to find out more):
  • Salvation is from the Jews is an in-depth study of the role of Jews and Judaism in God's plan for salvation from Abraham to the Second Coming

IN THE US:  To order a book clicking on the book cover to be taken to an order page. The books are available as ebooks also.  
Email me for information on ordering a book in Polish, Croatian, French, or German. 

If there are no images below; "Salvation is from the Jews" is the 1st box, "Honey from the Rock" the 2nd box, and the "La Salvacion Viene de los Judios" the 3rd.



To Order from Amazon UK click on image below:  



Click on the links below to find out more about:
The Author has a brief biography of the author and several accounts of his conversion experiences.
News & Events has current news about the books and the author, including his upcoming appearances.  Audio recordings of recent talks can be listened to for free on the audio page; A DVD video of one of his talks can be ordered here.

Articles & Reviews has various articles by or about the author and interviews with him, published  reviews of his books, and other material including a Jewish-Catholic Hagaddah (Passover Seder service) he put together, and a selection of letters from readers of the books. It also has an entire books for free (as pdf files), including the Memoirs of Fr. Theodore Ratisbonne, a 19th century Jewish convert.

Audio & Video has numerous talks as well as radio and TV shows by the author, many in VIDEO as well as in audio.  The video can be watched online, the audio can be listened to online or download (all for free); a good introduction to the book is the "Faith and Family" interview found there.  It also links to the recorded witness testimonies found in the "They are all Jews" section.   Some of the material can be purchased on CD's or DVD's -- for more information,  click here.

They are all Jews has the conversion stories of a number of Jewish Catholics. The first page is written accounts, the second is audio recordings.

Contacts & More Info has information and links for:

And thank you for visiting...

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