Audio and Video
The videos of Roy's talks and
television shows that are available for
free viewing on this site are listed
below, and can be viewed by clicking on
the links below.
Most of them are also on Roy's youtube
channel. You can go directly to
Roy's youtube channel by clicking on the
following link: https://www.youtube.com/c/SalvationisfromtheJewsCC
A 14-part TV Series Roy discusses the
book "Salvation is from the
Jews" chapter by chapter
Catholics Witness
Testimonies of other Jews who have
entered the Catholic Church (in some
shows Roy appears also)
Other Television Shows Various TV shows in
which either Roy is the interviewer,
or the person interviewed is a special
SPANISH Videos Various talks Roy gave at
conferences in Colombia, Ecuador, and
Mexico, some simultaneously translated
by Marino Restrepo